
Constellation Kérylos - A concert at Theodore Reinach

Concert - 03/10/2021 - 04/10/2021

Villa Kérylos
7 impasse Gustave Eiffel | 06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer
0493010144 -

Sunday 3 October 2021, 5.30 pm, first part, admission €11.50

Monday 4 October 2021, 2pm, second part, free admission [SOLD OUT]

Jean Goyetche, tenor.

Catherine Manandaza, soprano.

Marianne Seleskovitch, mezzo-soprano.

Lucie Troger, piano.

Sophie Rabau, narration.


Reservation required:

Limited number of seats.

Health pass required.


With the support of the DRAC Provence Côte d'Azur, the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres and the Centre des Monuments Nationaux.

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Crédits photos : Ville de Beaulieu-sur-Mer / A.DALONIS / F.DOIN/ O.CANE / P.GAUTHEY.